
NMGFund.com is interested in investing in UK registered companies with high growth potential. Typical investments are made between £500k- £2m. NMGFund.com is interested in business models that have the potential to go viral with exponential growth effect, so although the business may be based in the UK there would be an international and global roll out envisaged for the company.

Pre seed – Conceptual idea unproven business model £10-50k
Seed funding- Friends and family to prove the business model £50-250k
Round 1 £500-2m

With cloud computing and crowd sourcing techniques full working branded sites can be generated for testing business models from £10-250k which will allow for a limited amount of users and or traffic generating cash flow and or customer sign ups.

As you know New Media Growth Fund (NMGFund.com) is interested in investing in xyz Ltd to enable the company to expand and exploit the database and technology that it owns and the customer relationships it is currently building. Any investment however must be based broadly on the following principals:-
  • The company must be a UK registered company seeking its first round of funding initial friends and family and seed funding allowed for.
  • The investment shall be no more than £2m ( Two Million pounds sterling) subject to valuation , all of which must be paid to the company via an issue of new shares.
  • The £2m million investment shall be represented by no less than 25% of the entire issued share capital of the company which may not be diluted prior to NMG Fund exiting the company
  • NMG Fund will require the written agreement of the major shareholders that they will not sell their shares prior to NMG Fund exiting the company and that they will not exercise any share options if so doing would dilute NMG Fund shareholding.
  • NMG Fund will require representation at board level which reflects the proposed shareholding.
  • NMG Fund will require certain safeguards for its investment in the form of entrenchment of certain matters (to be agreed) as special resolutions in the articles of association of the company and the agreement of the major shareholders to procure such amendments are made.

The above information does not constitute an offer , nor is it intended to create a legally binding obligation which shall arise only upon NMG Fund entering into formal agreements with the company and relevant shareholders, nor does it purport to be an exhaustive list of issues but it is intended to promote further discussion on NMG Fund involvement in XYZ Ltd.

We look forward to hearing your response so we can can commence due diligence. I never discuss other peoples projects although I do know the parties you mention I would never discuss their business that they have discussed with me with out first seeking their permission to do so.