Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Media Ventures is a national network of early-stage investors looking to spend their time and money on start-ups building “progressive political power,

An Angel Group For Political Gain: Most investors have a straightforward mission: to get rich. But a newly launched angel group called New Media Ventures has a different agenda. “The return on our investment for our investors is political,” Director Matt Ewing said. “This is about creating political change.” New Media Ventures is a national network of early-stage investors looking to spend their time and money on start-ups building “progressive political power,” Ewing said. The group of angels was organized by Democracy Alliance, a five-year-old, left-leaning, non-profit activist group.
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New Media Age: Making sense of interactive business

new media age is the UK’s only weekly magazine covering the business of interactive media. It’s essential reading for anyone using interactive media to communicate with their customers, and for all the companies providing the products and services that make those communications possible. It brings its readers exclusive news, informed analysis, thought-provoking opinion and detailed, in-depth features, all aimed at answering the fundamental question: how can interactive media improve my business?

new media age was launched in 1995 and quickly became the bible for the UK’s internet industry. Rather than covering technology, it concentrated on the business opportunities that were being created by the emerging technologies, an editorial focus it has retained to the present day. As part of this policy it has been tracking emerging interactive platforms, introducing authoritative coverage of the mobile and internet TV sectors and uncovering the synergies that exist between digital platforms.

new media age’s readers come from a broad range of business sectors and have a wide spread of online experience. The magazine has evolved to meet the needs of this readership, not just catering for experts but, through its events and podcasts, providing an introduction to key areas of ebusiness.

new media age is now the centrepiece of a range of offerings, including the NMA Effectiveness Awards (now in their thirteenth year), the NMA Live series of educational workshops and the Online Marketing Show. And it’s still the magazine the online industry relies on to cover everything that matters in new media, every week.

Michael Nutley
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